Past event
6 Apr 2019 20:00

DrummingCellist in Big Band RTV Slovenija

"Virtuoso on the cello, and brilliant drummer, he managed to conquer the hall with his touching universe, into which he dives completely." - Raphael Benoit, CitizenJazz

The most beguiling aspect of Krajnčan's artistry was arguably his melodic sense on cello, where classical, European folk, jazz and African folk influences rubbed shoulders. For Krajnčan, musical genres hold no boundaries. - Ian Patterson, AllAboutJazz

Krajnčan's writing is evocative and unpredictable, creative yet engaging. The New York City Jazz Record

Kristijan Krajnčan is, in the words of my mentor Art Blakey, “a new star on the jazz horizon".  Ralph Peterson Jr., Berklee College of Music

Album, kakršnega bi bili pri ECM zelo veseli. Mario Batelić, SIGIC

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DrummingCellist in Big Band RTV Slovenija

6 Apr 2019 20:00
6 Apr 2019 20:00
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18, 15 EUR



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