Past event
7 Oct 2020 19:00

Carinthian Song Across Borders

Concert within the framework of the 18th Carinthian Cultural Days

The choir has performed in Austria, took part in the Hradec Kralove Festival (Czech Republic), sung Carinthian songs in Prague, Trieste, Gorizia, Maribor, Ljubljana and elsewhere in Slovenia, as well as in Frisia (northern Germany). In 1991, the choir received the Gallus Prize, attended the Carinthian Choral Competition and won First Prize for its dazzling performance. It has released three cassettes and a CD marking its 30th anniversary. The 2016 album “Ki so včasih bile” was produced with the assistance of music pedagogue and choral conductor Danica Pirečnik, Choral Director of the Šalek Academic Choir Velenje. The selection of songs to be presented at Cankarjev dom forms part of the programme that the choir performed at their annual 2019 concert in Cultural Centre Pliberk/Bleiburg under the motto "Beginning". The Choral Director of Podjuna iz Pliberka Mixed Choir is Anja Kapun. 

In cooperation with the Association of Slovenian-Austrian Friendship Ljubljana
Within the framework of the Slovenian-Austrian Year of Neighbourly Dialogue / Nachbarschafts 2019–2020

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Carinthian Song Across Borders

7 Oct 2020 19:00
7 Oct 2020 19:00
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Mixed Choir Podjuna iz Pliberka (Jauntal/Bleiburg), Choral Director: Anja Kapun


V sodelovanju z Društvom slovensko-avstrijskega prijateljstva, Ljubljana. 
V okviru leta sosedskega dialoga - Nachbarschafts 2019 -2020, Slovenija – Avstrija. 



The Card of Cankarjev dom 

Uršula Cetinski

Blog written by Uršula Cetinski, CD Director General

CD Director General, Uršula Cetinski, expresses her thoughts on CD events and other affairs of current interest, of in-house and broader relevance, in concise postings.

The blog is written in Slovenian.

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