Past event
21–28 March 2021 from 00.00 to 23.59

Apples (Mila)

Directed by: Christos Nikou

Greece, Poland, Slovenia, 2020; 90 minut

Screenplay: Christos Nikou, Stavros Raptis; cast: Aris Servetalis, Anna Kalaitzidou, Sofia Georgovasili, Argiris Bakirtzis

A humorous cinematic allegory of the pervasive influence of emotions on human memory and the attendant role played by modern technology.
Aris, a solitary man in his late thirties, falls victim to an unexplained surge of memory loss disorders in his city and is forced to confront his severe amnesia through an experimental new treatment. The therapy, which leads Aris to live out experiences of youth and adulthood, culminates in an encounter with Anna, a woman undergoing a similar memory loss treatment. Their budding relationship will make Aris reconsider his actions and lead him to new decisions.


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Apples (Mila)

21–28 March 2021 from 00.00 to 23.59
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6,90 EUR

Filmi so v videoteki DKino na voljo v kategoriji LIFFE PO LIFFU. Cena za film je 6,90 evra, kar je enako ceni nakupa v spletni trgovini Cankarjevega doma. Nakup filma v videoteki DKino se obračuna na mesečnem računu za komunikacijske storitve.




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