
Environmentally friendly

Sustainable – in every way

jazz park

Cankarjev dom is modernising its venues and infrastructure through prudent maintenance. Our aim is to rationalize use of energy and cut down energy and water consumption. We have dedicatedly introduced waste minimization and separation, use eco-friendly cleaning products and, to the extent possible, recycled materials.

Global Sustainability Goals


In following a sustainable event-management practice, we focus on:

  • sustainable approach to undiscriminated education and development (face-to-face, hybrid and virtual events)
  • sustainable mobility for visitors and congress delegates (on foot or by public transport)
  • sustainable communication (no printed material)
  • sustainable food production, preparation and use (menus for visitors and congress delegates)
  • procurement of sustainable materials (no plastic)
  • waste management (5-step separation aimed at zero waste)
  • sustainable water management (tap water)
  • sustainable energy management (green energy)
  • rganisation of a healthy event (health and well-being)

Beehives on Cankarjev dom’s roof


A pioneer of Slovenia’s urban beekeeping, Cankarjev dom installed beehives on one of its roofs and launched urban beekeeping as early as in 2011. The initiative came from Franc Petrovčič, Cankarjev dom’s member of staff who is also the recipient of Anton Janša Decoration. In the beginning, our hives were home to three colonies of Carniolan bees, while today, during peak reproductive seasons, our bees can reach a high of about 500,000.

In the urban environment, grazing is favourable to bees; although it may not appear at first sight, there are many trees, groves, and gardens in the city.
Another advantage is that vegetation is not sprayed with pesticides while the exhaust fumes do not affect the quality of the harvest. In pollinating urban plants bees increase a city’s biodiversity. Cankarjev dom’s bees have immediate access to the Tivoli Park, the Castle and Rožnik hills, urban ornamental plants and numerous tree-lined alleys.

NO to plastics and commitment to the environment!


No plastic bottles or cups are used at Cankarjev dom. Instead, we make full use of our city’s exceptional advantage – safe and clean tap water. During breaks, international conference attendees are offered water as enjoyed by the locals, from the tap. In 2019 alone, disposal of semi-litre plastic bottles was thus reduced by 35,000 units.

Many organisations are drawing attention to the excessive use of plastics and the severe damage this is causing to our ecosystem – the planet Earth which is man’s sole living environment. Among others, the ‘Not Just a Drop in the Ocean Campaign’ with the mascot ‘Ticky the Turtle’ was launched to stress the adverse effects that single-use plastics are having on the oceans and seas around the world. Cankarjev dom has been member of IAPCO – the International Association of Professional Congressional Organizers that launched the campaign – since 1980. Members of this association, shareholders in the worldwide meetings industry, annually hold as many as 18,660 congresses, symposia and conferences of various sizes. Their eco-conscious working practices importantly contribute towards a sustainable future.

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