Past event
6 - 13 May 2021 from 00.00 to 23.59

The Assistant

Directed by and screenplay: Kitty Green

USA, 2019; 87'

Cast: Julia Garner, Matthew Macfadyen, Makenzie Leigh, Kristine Froseth, Jon Orsini, Noah Robbins, Alexander Chaplin, Jay O. Sanders , Juliana Canfield, Dagmara Dominczyk.
Festivals, awards (selection): Berlinale 2020, Heartland 2020 (Truly Moving Picture Award)

The story of a young assistant witnessing the questionable conduct of her influential boss was inspired by Harvey Weinstein’s sexual abuse cases that had triggered the #MeToo movement.

Another day at the office. Jane, the new assistant to a powerful media mogul, is the first to arrive and the last to leave. She does her job, endures her colleagues’ hostility and applies herself to her pile of tasks with painstaking precision: printing out schedules, arranging travel, ordering lunch and tidying up her boss’s office. Without him even once putting in an appearance, his existence is nonetheless all-pervasive. We hear him on the other end of the phone reprimanding Jane; we also witness the array of attractive young women who are paying a visit to the company at his behest. Jane’s suspicions and discomfort spin out of control as it becomes clear that she is part of an abusive system.


/.../ Gibanje #MeToo (Jaztudi) se je osredotočalo na moške, plenilce, in ne na vprašanje, kako pritegniti več žensk v filmsko industrijo ter kako zagotoviti večjo varnost in nediskriminatornost delovnega okolja. To sem postavila v žarišče. Vemo, kaj se dogaja za temi vrati, o tem se je poročalo, ne poznamo pa kolesja, ki se vrti pred temi vrati, kulture, ki obdaja molk, zastrupljujočega delovnega okolja. Ob pisanju scenarija sem v ospredje postavila te drobne trenutke, ki žensko oropajo samozavesti, ki lahko spodkopljejo njeno prepričanost vase in jo pustijo brez poti navzgor ali naprej.
Kitty Green


Skladno s spremembami Odloka o začasni omejitvi ponujanja kulturnih storitev končnim uporabnikom se lahko od 15. 5. 2021 javnih dogodkov udeležijo le osebe s potrdilom o negativnem testu, cepljenju ali prebolelosti covida 19.
Dokazila niso potrebna za mlajše od 18 let, ki se dogodka udeležijo z ožjimi družinskimi člani oz. skrbniki.
Na posamezni projekciji bo za gledalce na voljo toliko sedežev, kot bo ob predvajanju filma dovoljeno skladno z odlokom o začasni omejitvi ponujanja kulturnih storitev končnim uporabnikom ter ob upoštevanju navodil in priporočil NIJZ.


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The Assistant

6 - 13 May 2021 from 00.00 to 23.59
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5,50 EUR

4,50 EUR *



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Uršula Cetinski

Blog written by Uršula Cetinski, CD Director General

CD Director General, Uršula Cetinski, expresses her thoughts on CD events and other affairs of current interest, of in-house and broader relevance, in concise postings.

The blog is written in Slovenian.

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