15 Oct 2024 - 06 Jan 2025

Art Critics’ Choice ... Illustrations: Ana Maraž

Artist Presentation Series selected by the Slovenian Art Critics Association
Critic: Tatjana Pregl Kobe

A selection of book illustrations

Ana Maraž’s selection for this year’s Illustrators Exhibition in Bologna, a main showcase for the latest trends in illustration for children and young adults, her given her work a new lease of life. At first glance, a minimalist approach and a flat style enhanced by the illustrator's primary, abstracted interpretation feature prominently in her work. Through the use of different approaches, this is beautifully represented by her illustrations for the four selected books. The anthology of fairy tales by Mate Dolenc, Kako dolg je čas (Beletrina, 2019), seems a perfect match for the symbolism of the illustrator Ana Maraž, and the black and white colour palette was a logical choice. The most prominent double-spread illustration shows a hippopotamus in a lake outside a spa, a tropical salad and a spa pavilion – depicted in an extremely symbolic way (pen and wash drawings, lines done in Indian ink, collage), and a perfectly balanced layout of the spread. Another, extremely challenging commission was illustrating Miroslav Košuta's poems in his book Božaj veter – Pesmi za mlade (Mladinska knjiga, Sončnica, 2021). The colour range is deliberately sparse, with only shades of blue and green added to the red. Using a unique artistic approach, this time significantly different, Maraž has succeeded in capturing expectations, nimbleness, tenderness, the gloominess of the forest, a garland of dried flowers and wind in hair. Her innovative and unconventional artistic language gained international visibility immediately after the publication of the picture book Protideževna juha by the writer Majda Koren (KUD Sodobnost International, 2023). The illustrations were selected for the main showcase of the Bologna International Children's Book Fair, and went on to tour Japan, Korea and China. The sensual illustrations in mixed media, accompanying Kaja Teržan's poems in the tiny, brightly coloured picture book Narisati ptico (Mladinska knjiga, Knjižnica Čebelica 480, 2024) for the youngest readers, are masterfully done. The continuous thread that runs through Ana Maraž’s body of work is symbolism, the artist’s vehicle for opening windows onto new worlds to the viewers. 

Ana Maraž (1985, Šempeter pri Gorici). Graduated in Art Pedagogy from the Faculty of Education, the University of Ljubljana, in 2011. Since 2017, she has been working in the field of illustration as a self-employed professional in culture. Her illustrations have been published in magazines and books for children and young readers. She has held several solo and group exhibitions in Slovenia and internationally. Maraž is the recipient of several important national and international awards. She is a member of the Illustrators' Section of the Slovenian Association of Fine Arts Societies. She lives and works in Vipava.

Tatjana Pregl Kobe (1946, Maribor) Holds a BA in Art History, and works as an art critic, writer and essayist. Her most notable professional achievement are regular contributions to scholarly journals dedicated to this genre, the book Slovenska knjižna ilustracija (1979/80), a publication charting the development of illustration throughout the world Upodobljene besede (1998), publications in books Likovne impresije I–III (2000–2007) and the book Slovenska knjižna ilustracija 1 (2023). She is on the editorial board of the Otrok in knjiga journal and frequently serves on the jury of various Slovenian and international biennials of illustration. She lives in Ljubljana.

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Art Critics’ Choice ... Illustrations: Ana Maraž

15 Oct 2024 - 06 Jan 2025
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