Design Konsum
Designers Society of Slovenia Biennial Exhibition
Novinarska konferenca Društva oblikovalcev Slovenije bo 10.2.2022 ob 10. uri v Veliki sprejemni dvorani CD
This year's biennial exhibition of the Designers Society of Slovenia examines the role of design in today’s consumer society and raises some provocative questions. Are we aware of the fact that everything around us has been designed? How to determine the design quality of objects, services, spaces and environments faced with an unlimited range of choices? How to understand the difference between quality and quantity? What is the relationship between the consumer and designer?
Our developed society is inundated with hyperproduction, unlimited options and favourable conditions for consumption, all of which severely hampers our ability to make informed choices. The way out of this vicious circle, however, is only possible through a conscious decision based on a broader reflection. The DESIGN KONSUM exhibition addresses the visitor/user directly and offers them new options.
The exhibition seeks to encourage contemporary consumer society to engage in critical reflection and give careful thought to the importance of its own quality design, to evaluating good design and placing it firmly in our daily lives. Design consumption constitutes a filter that helps us choose a better solution. Rather than cheap products of dubious production we should use what is on our plates, so to speak. This will be a sustainable and long-term investment. In choosing quality design each individual consumer can influence our common future.
Priority is given to deciding in favour of quality living, local knowhow, short supply routes, quality and environmentally friendly production, green and sustainable solutions, organic and degradable, recycled from natural, harmless materials and, last but not least, aesthetically sophisticated and user-friendly design. These are the challenges of contemporary design.
The layout of the exhibition has been designed as a longitudinal composition, consisting of a long table with place settings of design plates. On a plate, a large disk containing the print of a particular product or graphics, the consumer is now served quality design.
Project Manager, exhibition concept: Mateja Panter
Exhibition layout: Matej Filipčič, Mateja Panter, Anka Štular
Visual communications: Anka Štular