Past event
15 Dec 2021 - 30 Jan 2022

Igor Škafar: Ulica (The Street)

As the year 2021 is coming to a close, the Small Gallery hosts an exhibition of photographic works by Igor Škafar. The Ulica exhibition comprises a large number of portraits, mostly featuring young people. The artist has been creating these portraits continuously, with unwavering dedication and in search of the new and fresh, for the past twenty years. 

The exhibited works include both older photographs taken on film and more recent, digital photographs. In a unique way, the exhibition will also lend a small insight into the artist’s creative process.

Igor Škafar was born in Ljubljana in 1975. He has pursued a career in photography since 1997, when he took up the position of assistant at the Manjana photographic studio. Two years later he started contributing photographs to the Mladina weekly. He now works for various media and agencies, and regularly publishes his work in Mladina. Ichisan – DJ (and photographer) Igor Škafar’s stage name – started out on his musical career as a guitarist with various bands, and later devoted himself to electronic music, a genre to which he is especially partial.

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Igor Škafar: Ulica (The Street)

15 Dec 2021 - 30 Jan 2022
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