Past event
19 May - 20 June 2021

The Slovenian Independent Illustrators' Biennial – The Independent Biennial

Biennial of Slovenian Independent Illustration – Independent Biennial is presenting an international selection for the first time. The selection took place through an open call and via invitation, which was initially prepared by Biennial partners in Croatia and Serbia.
With the presentation of an international ensemble of predominantly newcomers, the platform of the Independent Biennial is systemically expanding outside the borders of Slovenia with this ground-breaking exhibition. With the latter, we want to ignite a spark of interest in both the domestic and foreign audiences, which we are continuously growing through our initiatives. 

Since its inception in 2007, the Biennial of  Slovenian Independent Illustration - Independent Biennial has managed to prove the exceptional quality of Slovenian visual production, the recognition of which was slowly built through academic circles and design and art institutions. The authors of the previous edition of the Independent Biennial, who inherit the selection and choose their successors, in that way mark the exposed production of the next generation and its authors. Through this specific horizontal participatory selection process, the initiator Saša Kerkoš and the Tretaroka Association excluded the classical curatorial element and returned the voice to the creatives themselves. More than 14 years of existence in the Slovenian visual illustration environment, the two-year editions have been widely accepted by professionals who work at the crossroads of various visual practices and managed to map and archive them through more than a hundred public events of educational, promotional and connecting nature.
With the internationalization, the Independent Biennial puts itself in the broader context of the Eastern, Balkan theritory, where it wants to highlight a generation of authors who are often overlooked outside their local contexts and bring it into the focus with the Slovenian audiences and the creative scene.
The Indepenent Biennial continues its mission of mapping this exceptional visual scene, which often creates in difficult conditions and which deserves more recognition and support at all levels. The first international exhibition in Cankarjev dom is therefore its first step towards connecting and mapping authors and audiences on a wider, global context.

Parallel to the exhibition at Cankarjev Dom, the online exhibition of both invited and selected authors will be displayed until June 20th via


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The Slovenian Independent Illustrators' Biennial – The Independent Biennial

19 May - 20 June 2021
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Admission free

The list of authors:

Aleksandar Petković, Aleksandar Spasić, Ana Brumat, Ana Đapović, Ana Marguš, Ana Salopek, Anka Arsenić, Apolonija Lučić, Barbara Tomečak, Chenipe, Damir Stojnić-Ktonsky, Darija Stipanić, Dorian Šiško, Draga Nikolić, Dragan Kordić, Goran Radošević, Hana Tintor, Irena Jukić Pranjić, Iva Kordic, Ivana Mrčela, Ivana Ognjanovac, Ivana Ognjanovac i Mare Šuljak, Jelena Micić, Jelena Vezmar, Josip Knežević, Josipa Krolo, Jovana Banjanac, Jovana Ćubović , Jovanka Mladenović , Juraj Živković, Karla Čurčinski, Kolja Božović, Korina Hunjak, Lara Badurina, Lea Čeč, Lucija Marin, Lucija Mitar, Magdalena Vukalović, Margareta Peršić, Marina Krištofić -Marinsky, Mia Matijević, Milica Lazarevic, Mirela Srabović, Miron Milić, Mojca Janželj Tomažič, Nana Wolke, Nataša Mihailović , Nika Bilandžić, Nikola Kosić, Nina Mihaljinac, Omar Lović, Pavle Goljanin, Primož Zorko, Radomir Djukanović, Renata Ladović Meštrović, Rina Barbarić, Robyn Field, Ružica Dobranić, Šejma Fere, Snježana Boyd Žana, Stefan Lukić, Stepan Myannik, Tara Rodić, Tina Danilović, Vedrana Cah, Vuk Ćuk, Željka Fuderer Levak.  

Co-production: Cankarjev dom (SI), APURI – Akademija primijenjenih umjetnosti Sveučilišta Rijeka (HR), Kino Šiška (SI), Galerija Zvono (SR)

Special thanks: Lara Badurina, Ines Krasić, Ljiljana Tadić (Galerija Zvono), Vuk Ćuk, Nikola Božović – Kolja, Dunja Kukovec, Nina Pirnat Spahić (Cankarjev dom), Maša P. Žmitek (Vodnikova domačija), Primož Zorko, Danica Jovović Prodanović, Piera Ravnikar, Barbara Poček

Independent Biennial’s team and support: Saša Kerkoš, Irena Silić, Lucija Podbrežnik and Rok Avbar, Boštjan Hren



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