The Srebrenica Genocide
Breaking news unable to break the wall of conscience
Exhibition opening: 22 January at 18.00, Cankarjev dom's Foyer I
Breaking news unable to break the wall of conscience, an exhibition launching the commemorative programme dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide, provides a shocking insight into the press coverage of one of the greatest human tragedies since World War II, the Srebrenica genocide. Through a selection of newspaper headlines and clippings from the Slovenian, Bosnian and world press, selected by Ali Žerdin, the exhibition shows how news of these events seeped out to the public – and how the world remained powerless in the face of the impending catastrophe.
Each exhibited cover is doubly significant: as a historical record and as a reminder that our indifference allows for unchecked repetition of such tragedies. The message of the exhibition is clear. We knew. But we did not act decisively (enough). Not only giving insight into past events, the exhibition also raises questions about the role of the media, the authorities and each individual in confronting injustice and preventing genocide.
Reminding us that we were aware of these events but failed to prevent them, Breaking news unable to break the wall of conscience invites us to reflect deeply on inaction and collective responsibility.
The exhibition forms part of the commemorative programme "8372 Living Memories" marking the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide. The programme is implemented by the MKC Cultural and Educational Institute in cooperation with and through the support of partners. The semi-annual commemoration includes various activities aimed at preserving the memory of the victims and raising public awareness. For more information on the programme activities and the Srebrenica genocide please visit www.srebrenica.si.
The memorial events 8372 Living Memories marking the 30th anniversary of the Srebrenica genocide is held under the auspices of the President of the Republic of Slovenia Dr. Nataša Pirc Musar.
The Srebrenica Genocide: Breaking news unable to break the wall of conscience
Admission free

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.... ki boste izvedeli, katere koncerte, predavanja, gledališka in plesna gostovanja in drugo pripravljamo v Cankarjevem domu,