Past event
18 Jun 2020 18:00

WIDOWS AND AN ORPHAN, discussion and guided tour of the exhibition

The talk will be accompanied by a guided tour of the exhibition.

The exhibition Widows and an Orphan that had filled the empty halls of Cankarjev Dom throughout the epidemic, resonates with the message that design is capable of solving myriad issues. When its authors got back to work after the cancelled opening event, each one of them in their line of work faced the various challenges, brought about by the new and pressing realities. The insights they have gained in the fields of culture, business and healthcare will be explored in a discussion, in which they will draw attention to the key notion of including designers in the working processes of various professions that can use their experience and advice to better prepare for the times ahead.

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WIDOWS AND AN ORPHAN, discussion and guided tour of the exhibition

18 Jun 2020 18:00
18 Jun 2020 18:00
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