Past event
13 Feb 2020 20:00

"Indescribable" Danijela Martinović

Organised by: Predodrom d. o. o.

One of the most famous Croatian pop stars, Danijela has gained renowned as member of the Magazin band. In 1996, Danijela embarked on a successful solo career. She has since won widespread popularity – also in Slovenia, and recorded a number of hit songs, including Da je slađe zaspati, Zovem te ja, Neka mi ne svane, Dobro je, Pleši sa mnom, Ovako ne mogu dalje, Brodolom, etc.

Her concert tour Indescribable promises a different experience and a new sound, but the same Danijela – a singer so dear to us, with unstoppable energy and full of heart that she lavishes on her audiences.


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"Indescribable" Danijela Martinović

13 Feb 2020 20:00
13 Feb 2020 20:00
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24'90, 29'90, 32'90, 35'90, 39'90 EUR



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