Lila=Igra življenja
Lila = The Game of Life
Organised by: Inštitut za celostno vzgojo in izobraževanje otrok Lila
The concert where the children's imagination from Lila Primary School transforms into orchestral arrangements, curated by Martin Jošt, and stories that can only be told through magical music. The imprint of modern times through children's eyes under the creative leadership of Kristijan Crnica - Kikifly, along with his musical friends, including appearances by Alenka Godec, Saša Lešnjek, Regina, Tinkara Kovač, Vili Resnik, BePop ladies, and others. The event will be hosted by actress Mojca Fatur, with production credits going to director Urška Žnideršič, music producer Janez Križaj, and event producer Maja Monrue, in collaboration with the management of Lila Primary School Ljubljana.
Lila=Igra življenja
18,00 EUR

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