Zabranjeno pušenje
Neuštekani / Unplugged
Acoustic Concert and Film Screening 𝑆𝑣𝑗𝑒𝑡𝑙𝑎 𝑆𝑎𝑟𝑎𝑗𝑒𝑣𝑎
Organised by: Lip Art
The event will begin with a minute's silence as a mark of respect and remembrance for the tragically deceased miners.
Neuštekani (Unplugged) is a project long conceived by Sejo Sexon, who, as he says, wants to “right a wrong and perform live songs, many of which will see the stage for the first time.”
Neuštekani offers Zabranjeno pušenje in an unplugged version, with acoustic instruments, in a more intimate setting. Alongside previously undiscovered musical repertoire, you will also hear short stories and anecdotes related to their creation and birth, which are not included in the book Spomnim se, kao da je bilo danas (I remember that like it happened today).
Neuštekani aim to become the heroes of Zabranjeno pušenje fans, who have long wondered: Why do we never hear great songs like Pismo Elvisu, Laku noć stari, Arizona Dream, or Kad darnek utihne... In forty years of performing, the band has repeatedly proven themselves with provocative and unique lyrics in a rock-punk-garage style, earning a place in the hearts of their audience. In addition to their music, Sejo's stories and audience interaction have become an indispensable part of every performance.
Neuštekani are coming at the right time. The concert is one of three special events to take place in Sarajevo, Ljubljana, and Zagreb.
Before the concert, there will be a screening of the internationally acclaimed documentary Svjetla Sarajeva, which presents the fifty-year history of Skenderija, the famous Sarajevo hall, from the perspective of Sejo Sexon, the lead member of Zabranjeno pušenje, directed by Srđan Perkić and written by Sejo Sexon.
Zabranjeno pušenje, like you've never heard (and seen) it before!
Zabranjeno pušenje
39,00 | 45,00 | 49,00 EUR
Film je prejel številne nominacije in priznanja:
SEE fest Los Angeles – nagrada občinstva, najboljši dokumentarni film, Barco HDR Master Light Steering Color Grade, nagrada za najboljši dokumentarni film
Eastern Neighbours, Filmski festival v Haagu, Nizozemska – izbor najboljših 50 filmov iz 27 držav
28. Sarajevo Film Festival – svetovne premiere, uradni izbor tekmovalnega programa
Bihać Avantura Film Festival – nagrada za najboljši dokumentarni film
24. mednarodni festival dokumentarnega filma Tuzla – nagrada za najboljši dokumentarni film
LindenFest Cetinje – posebna omemba za inovativni režijsko-dramaturški pristop v kategoriji dokumentarnega filma
dokuMfest – Mednarodni festival glasbenega dokumentarnega filma Zenica, nagrada za najboljši dokumentarni film
18. DOKUart – Festival dokumentarnega filma, Združenje za promocijo kulture Bjelovar, nagrada občinstva za najboljši dokumentarni film
Summer Cinema Valter – Filmski center Sarajevo, Slavnostno odprtje 1. Letnega kina Valter
Beldocs – mednarodni festival dokumentarnega filma, posebna projekcija

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