Past event
24 Nov 2023 20:00

Zdrava pamet

The show "Common Sense" is approaching its 100th performance and, after a nationwide tour, is returning to the Linhart Hall!
Organised by: Nik Škrlec / Yellow Curtain LLC

"Common Sense" is a crazy monocomedy about the brain, our thoughts, and all the antics it gets up to. On stage, Nik Škrlec, an actor and TV presenter, will dissect his own brain. He can remember thousands of decimals of the pi number and, at the same time, visits the bank at least once a month because he forgets his bank card PIN.

The performance is full of mental and physical acrobatics and humor, as laughter is, after all, one of the best indicators of our brain's fitness!

"Common Sense" is a witty presentation that playfully jumps between didactic information delivery and its interpretation, as well as between collective and individual experiences and contexts.
Nika Švab, a review of the performance at

Predstavo Zdrava pamet spremlja interaktivna razstava o naših možganih, ki predstavo dopolnjuje in vam omogoča drugačno izkušnjo celotnega večera. Na interaktivni razstavi lahko med drugih preizkusite Nikov znani kontracikl, se zabavate z roboti in svoje možgane pretentate z različnimi eksponati, ki so, tako kot predstava, namenjeni kravžljanju vaših sivih celic! Razstava je odprta uro pred in po predstavi.

Predstava je primerna tudi za mladostnike, starejše od 12 let.

Nakup vstopnic

Zdrava pamet

24 Nov 2023 20:00
24 Nov 2023 20:00
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19,00 | 19,00 EUR

17,00 EUR * * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence, za sedeže najnižje cenovne kategorije

Nastala v sodelovanju celotne ustvarjalne ekipe in v pogovoru ter posvetu s širšim krogom ustvarjalcev.
Zasnova in besedilo: Nik Škrlec
Scenografija: Tine Tribušon in Vid Žnidaršič
Kostumografija: Andrej Vrhovnik

Glasba: Martin Vogrin
Lučno oblikovanje: Ian Stergar
Sooblikovanje eksponatov razstave: Mladinski tehnološko-razvojni center 404 in Jaka Mihelič
Grafična podoba: Ljudje, design studio
Fotografije: Mankica Kranjec in Klemen Ilovar

Produkcija: KUD Dveh in Rumena zavesa d.o.o.
Izvršna produkcija: Mija Špiler in Nik Škrlec
Nastopajo: Nik Škrlec, Inan Sven Du Swami, Mojca Špik
Lučna tehnica: Veronika Hana Grubič        
Tonski tehnik: Martin Vogrin



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