Arriving in good time
During the festive season in December, traffic tends to get heavily congested in Ljubljana. Visitors are advised to leave home earlier than usual to avoid arriving late.
Final Performance of the Pirueta Ballet School
Organised by: Baletna šola Pirueta d.o.o.
The performance "Life" is viewed through the character of a writer searching for herself in today's fast-paced, fragmented, and fleeting world. In her desire to create something lasting, she begins to write the first chapters of a book: The Joy of Creation, Under the Open Sky, and Encounter. However, she loses her inspiration, the meaning of writing, and consequently, herself. She finds herself in a deep crisis, unable to see a way out of the darkness.
The hope and strength to start anew come from children, whose sincerity brings light into her life like a light at the end of the tunnel. She decides to set aside all external distractions, discards what she has already written, and begins to write her own life story. She builds it like an arch spanning three generations: from the light of childhood, through the storms of adolescence, to the harmony of adulthood.
"The choreographies by Alja Zaletelj, Georgeta Capraroiu, Sara Pucihar, Tjaša Bucik, Urška Grad, and Luka Žiher in the performance 'Life Connects Through a Red Thread' – the character of a writer who, through her quest, speaks to us and invites us to identify with her story, listen to ourselves, and find our own light, harmony, and meaning in life that will also touch other human hearts." Luka Žiher, Director
18,00 | 24,00 EUR
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