The Alma Evenings Series, taking place in the Alma Karlin Hall, is dedicated to talks with writers-cum-travellers, honouring the author after whom the venue is named, as well as the literary genre through which Karlin gained world renown and which she popularized among the general public – the genre of travel literature.
Irena Cerar has authored a number of books, among which perhaps the most widely popular are the fairy-tale Slovenia travel guides aimed at families, as well as travellers young and old. The talk will also focus on her nature writing, in particular her two books Potepuški okruški: kako sem hodila po robu (Buča 2021) and Svetišča narave: sedem tednov vseživosti (UMco 2024).
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Alma's Evenings: Irena Cerar
18 Dec 2024
18 Dec 2024
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