11 Jul 2022 19:00


An estimated 8.7 million species populate planet Earth today. We, humans, are the only representatives of at least eight other human species that existed with us 300,000 years ago. Due to our imperative of progress, we are in the process of wiping out one species after another, making us, humans, the dominant species on this planet. In this Design+Science Summer School, we will explore the three aspects of the emerging human monoculture: relationships within our species and their consequences, especially in the fields of architecture and urban design, ecological impact on our interactions with nature and other living beings, and finally our interaction with technology and artificial systems. We are here to live together, not just to coexist, don't you think?

An introduction to the summer school Design+science 2022 will be opened by prof. Boštjan Botas Kenda, that will address the importance of design in Cohabitation, asist. prof. dr. Marina Klemenčič that will address the cohabitation from the perspective of human to human and Borut Jerman, that will address the importance of interdisciplinarity. The aspects of Cohabitation will be followed by the performance of Lifecutter_Subpersona and evening with DJ Mondo Cinematico. 

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11 Jul 2022 19:00
11 Jul 2022 19:00
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