Critical Cabaret:
Nikolaj Schultz & Srećko Horvat
Concept: Patricija Maličev and Srećko Horvat
Critical Cabaret returns to Cankarjev dom. The series begins with a young celebrity sociologist Nikolaj Schultz, who is making his first-time visit to Slovenia.
Born in 1990, Nikolaj Schultz is a Danish sociologist whose research focuses on the consequences of climate change for social theory. He co-authored On The Emergence of an Ecological Class (Polity Books, 2022) with acclaimed French philosopher Bruno Latour (1947–2022).
In this short text, consisting of seventy-six points, Bruno Latour and Nikolaj Schultz maintain that in order to gain ideological coherence and autonomy, the ecological movement must offer a political narrative that recognises, accepts and effectively presents its project in terms of social conflict. Political ecology must accept that it is divisive. It must provide a convincing cartography of the conflicts it generates and, on this basis, attempt to define a common horizon for collective action. To present and describe these conflicts, Latour and Schultz propose reusing the old concepts of 'class' and 'class struggle', but with a new meaning in line with the ecological issues of our New Climate Regime. How can we feel, think, and act in a time of climate and general crisis? Why is our response to the climate catastrophe often stuck between guilt and denial instead of leading to action? Can the radical experience of being personally affected inspire people to act?
Critical praise
...sharp-witted, refreshing, and deeply convincing
Modern Times Review
This readable little book includes a number of relevant questions and insights..
The Ecologist
A guidebook for terrestrials... a book which will no doubt proudly revive the political struggle.
Le Monde
One of the most important books of our time, clarifying and showing us the way forward.
Der Tagesspiegel
Schultz is also the author of Land Sickness, a hybrid text he describes as an “auto-ethnographic essay” on the sociological and existential issues of the Anthropocene. In recent years, he has become one of the founders of the “new existentialism for the Anthropocene.”
These are just some of the issues that Croatian philosopher Srećko Horvat will address with Nikolaj Schultz
Critical Cabaret: Nikolaj Schultz & Srećko Horvat
7,00 EUR
The event will be held in Slovenian, with no translation.