20 Apr 2022 19:00

Dr. Marijan Dović & dr. Vesna Mikolič

In cooperation with the Slovenian Language Division of Slovenska matica
The event will be held in Slovenian.

Dr. Marijan Dović: Nineteenth-century Slovenian poetry and the Mountains: The Birth of a Mythical Place from the Spirit of Poetry
The lecture focuses on 19th-century Slovenian secular poetry and its relationship with the mountain world. Among other poets, Žiga Zois and Valentin Vodnik recognized the national and poetic potential of the Triglav Mountain Range, including Bohinj and the Savica Waterfall. 

Dr. Vesna Mikolič: Keywords – The Key to Ivan Cankar’s Literary Works 
The starting point for the new reading of Ivan Cankar’s works, as well as all challenging literary works, is the presupposition that every artistic expression must be understood just like we need to understand every language we wish to use. The lecture focuses on some of Ivan Cankar's keywords that largely correspond to the keywords of Slovenian culture.

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Dr. Marijan Dović & dr. Vesna Mikolič

20 Apr 2022 19:00
20 Apr 2022 19:00
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