18 Jan 2024 19:00

Gray on Gray: Dr. Robert Pfaller and Dr. Jela Krečič

Series of lectures by great philosophical figures

Austrian theorist Dr. Robert Pfaller has gained visibility in Slovenia with his studies into different phenomena, including interpassivity, superstition and politeness, which exist or take effect despite or against our better judgement. On this occasion (on the series’ second evening), grounding his paper on 'grayness', Dr. Pfaller will thematise the question of goods and focus on the structure of desire. Dr. Jela Krečič, also in connection with Pfaller's output, will address the TV series Ted Lasso, which in modern-day Hollywood – intent on producing "real-life stories" as guarantees for awareness and enlightenment – provides strategies of indirectness as a utopian paradigm of community formation.
Jela Krečič

It has been three decades since Alen Ožbolt took over designing the Problemi magazine and the Analecta book collection. 34 years and about 280 headlines – an imposing output and one virtually unparalleled in the publishing industry. Thirty years of book covers, designs all sharing the same starting point, but each and every one singularly unique, and nearly all alluding to the content with great subtlety. The inspiration behind the design concept was the famous quote from Hegel: “When philosophy paints its gray on gray then has a form of life grown old, and with gray on gray it cannot be rejuvenated but only known.”

The design concept is thus in sync with the concept underpinning the theory that evolved in the hundreds of volumes published in the Analecta collection and in the Problemi journal, a theory that has gained worldwide renown over the recent decades. Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the Silver Windows book cover exhibition is accompanied by events that will reflect in various ways on the underlying premises and scope of this theory, grounding their reflections in gray on gray. Organised on the initiative of Dr. Jela Krečič, the series of lectures will accompany Silver Windows, an exhibition dedicated to the Problemi magazine covers designed by Alen Ožbolt on view in Cankarjev dom’s Foyer I. 

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Gray on Gray: Dr. Robert Pfaller and Dr. Jela Krečič

18 Jan 2024 19:00
18 Jan 2024 19:00
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