8 Sep 2020 09:00

The Value of Reading

A national intersectoral conference on reading culture and reading literacy

The all-Slovenian campaign for the promotion of reading, reading literacy and reading culture in Slovenia and beyond its borders is a joint initiative of the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport of the Republic of Slovenia, the National Education Institute, the Ministry of Culture, the Slovenian Book Agency, the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education, the Slovenian Reading Badge Association – ZPMS, Cankarjev dom and the Slovenian Reading Association. The executive producer of the national intersectoral conference on the importance of reading culture and reading literacy, taking place on the International Literacy Day, is the Slovenian Reading Association.

The national intersectoral conference The Value of Reading officially launches the 2020 National Month of Joint Reading (NMSB 2020).

The event will be held in Slovenian without translation.

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The Value of Reading

8 Sep 2020 09:00
8 Sep 2020 09:00
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