16 Nov 2021 20:00

KIKO DINUCCI feat Juçara Marçal

Inspired in equal measure by Joao Gilberto, Fugazi, African polyphonic music and his home city of Sao Paulo,
Kiko Dinucci offers an explosive take on 21st century Brazil. His style is raw - technically, he attacks the guitar strings, lyrically he explores Afro-Brazilian culture, slavery, Brazilian revolutionaries and candomblé.


Rastilho is a guitar record. It is the wood that sings.
Kiko Dinucci


Nakup vstopnic

KIKO DINUCCI feat Juçara Marçal

16 Nov 2021 20:00
16 Nov 2021 20:00
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12,00 EUR

8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

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