8 Jun 2021 20:00

Martin Martian

Martin Vogrič Dežman, vocals; guitar; Sonia Melocco, guitar, backing vocals; Klara Skaza, bass; Luka Uršič, keyboards; Robert Rebolj, drums

Musician Martin Vogrič Dežman traces the beginnings of his creative career to a collaboration with producer Tomaž Marič and their first composition. “Moje napake” (Martin & Thomas March Collective) was Val 202 radio station’s Song of the Week in April 2020 and probably the best pop song released in Slovenia that year.

A period of writing new lyrics and music followed. His demo attracted the attention of SonicTribe. Martin signed to the record label and is soon to release his debut album. The first taste (with more to follow) of the album in the making is “Prav naivno”, a single released in February 2021. Martin has recruited a superb lineup to showcase his singer-songwriter output, a band that will premiere the songs comprising his upcoming album.

The exclusive online concert is free to view on Cankarjev dom’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Nakup vstopnic

Martin Martian

8 Jun 2021 20:00
8 Jun 2021 20:00
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Spletni koncert iz Gallusove dvorane

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

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