Arriving in good time
During the festive season in December, traffic tends to get heavily congested in Ljubljana. Visitors are advised to leave home earlier than usual to avoid arriving late.
Pre-concert introduction (Sara Zupančič on music by Pavle Merkú)
Farzia Fallah, Lalayi, ein Schlaflied für Sohrab
Michael Pelzel, As time goes by
Enno Poppe, Tier
Béla Bartók, Melodia
György Ligeti, Hora lunga
Pavle Merku, Quartetto Nr. 2
György Kurtág, Hommage a Mihaly András, 12 Mikroludien
Performed by members of the New Music Forum Ensemble.
»String music from Bartók to the present day« will focus on instrument(s) - a different usage of strings and string ensembles, as seen in the Hungarian classics of the 20th century (Bartók, Ligeti, Kurtág), the Iranian composer (Farzia Fallah) and the great Slovenian composer Pavle Merkú.
10,00 EUR
8,00 EUR * * EUR za mlajše od 25 in starejše od 65 let ter upokojence.
Co-produced by UHO Society (New Music Forum) and Cankarjev dom.
.... ki boste izvedeli, katere koncerte, predavanja, gledališka in plesna gostovanja in drugo pripravljamo v Cankarjevem domu,