Past event
24 May 2022 20:00

Studio for Contemporary Music

The Musical Revolution
Academy of Music, University of Ljubljana 

Exploring the musico-historical starting points of the composers of the Darmstadt School and their musical heirs. 

Anna Thorvaldsdottir: Fields, for bass clarinet, percussion, piano, electric guitar, cello, double bass and electronics (2016) 
Toshio Hosokawa: Birds Fragments IIIb, version for accordion and recorders (1990-1997) 
Hans Abrahamsen: Efterarslied, for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (Autumn Song, 1992) Toru Takemitsu: Umi e, for alto flute and guitar (Toward the Sea, 1981) 
Rebecca Saunders: Sole, for accordion, percussion and piano (2018)
    • intermission -
Arnold Schönberg, Pierrot Lunaire, op. 21, excerpts (1912) for voice, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano 
Salvatore Sciarrino: Esplorazione del bianco II, for flute, bass clarinet, guitar and violin (1986)
Luciano Berio: O King, for voice, flute, clarinet, violin, cello and piano (1968) 
Richard Barrett, Codex XVI, for 6 or more improvising performers and electronics (2015)

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Studio for Contemporary Music

24 May 2022 20:00
24 May 2022 20:00
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In cooperation with the video, animation and new media students (Academy of Fine Arts and Design) and musicology students (Faculty of Arts)



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