Past event
16 Mar 2022 20:00

Vlatko Stefanovski trio

Concert marking the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Slovenia

The legendary Macedonian guitarist and singer is returning to Cankarjev dom. We will hear several of his greatest hits, including Jovano, Jovanke, Makedonsko devojče, Čuvam noć od budnih, Čukni vo drvo, as well as songs played on acoustic guitar. Vlatko Stefanovski started playing guitar at the age of 13. In his late teens, he founded Leb i sol which soon grew to become one of the most popular bands on the music scene of the former Yugoslavia. 
The band played a special genre of music, a blend of traditional Macedonian rhythms and modern rock. Stefanovski has worked with a variety of distinguished musicians, most notably Miroslav Tadić, Teodosij Spasov, Vera Miloševska Josifovska and many others.

In cooperation with the Embassy of North Macedonia.

Nakup vstopnic

Vlatko Stefanovski trio

16 Mar 2022 20:00
16 Mar 2022 20:00
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18,00 EUR

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Vlatko Stefanovski, guitar, vocals; Ivan Kukić: bass guitar, backing vocals; Jan Stefanovski, drums



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