Past event
23 May 2022 20:00

Zvokotok at CD: The Ecology of Light


Mario Lavista, Canto del Alba, for amplified flute (1979)
Kaija Saariaho, Petals, for cello and electronics (1988) 
Carlos de Castellarnau, Fragile Cells, for saxophone, piano, accordion, percussion and electronics (2016)
Melani Popit, new work for cello, saxophone and percussion (first performance)
Toshio Hosokawa, In die Tiefe der Zeit, for accordion and cello (1994)
Paul Clift, Astatine, for saxophone, cello, accordion and electronics (2019) 

The second concert of Chiaroscuro Ekologija svetlobe explores the ways in which light, like sound and music, exists in a symbiotic relationship with other elements and organisms of nature and with their physical surroundings. From the light that ushers in each new day to the light that feeds the flowers; from the fragile cells of budding organisms to the most ephemeral and short-lived element in nature; from the dark depths of time to wide open spaces bathed in light. The concert features the musicians of Neofonía in a groundbreaking (for its time) piece for amplified solo flute by Mexican modernist Mario Lavista, Kaija Saariaho’s beguiling Petals, an assertive new work for Neofonía from the emerging Slovenian composer Melani Popit, Catalonian Carlos de Castellarnau’s beautifully evanescent quartet with electronics and Paul Clift’s arresting and breathtaking trio, also with electronic sounds. The centerpiece of the concert is Hosokawa’s intense and timeless duo In die Tiefe der Zeit.  

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Zvokotok at CD: The Ecology of Light

23 May 2022 20:00
23 May 2022 20:00
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10,00 EUR

8,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

5% discount on online purchases

In co-production with Sploh Insitute  



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