Past event
9 Jun 2024 20:00

Impro liga final '24

The largest and most fun theatrical sports competition will culminate in the grand final with the season’s finest improvisers contending for eternal honour and fame while, naturally, striving to delight the audiences.

The audiences will be thrilled by the world-renowned format Theatresports, created by the father of theatrical improvisation, Keith Johnston. It involves an offbeat fusion of sports and theatre with teams of experienced improvisers confronting various challenges, while taking cues from the audience. The contest is supervised by professional referees who award points and penalties. The audience is invited to loudly criticize the referees in the classic sports style and even award points instead of them during the show. 
At the grand final awards are presented for the season's best achievements in the art of improvisation.

Experience the inimitable authenticity of improvised performance and watch a crazy story evolve from your prompts on stage. All the options are open, all the plots are possible, all endings are either happy or unhappy, all the scenes are a one-time thing, unfolding at that very moment, before that very audience, and never to occur again.


Slovenia’s main programme of improvisational theatre, Impro liga was established in 1993. A meeting point for Slovenian improvisers, most of the programme usually takes place as a national competition of impro theatre groups.

Impro liga final '24

9 Jun 2024 20:00
9 Jun 2024 20:00
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15,00 EUR

12,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.

Co-production: Društvo za kulturo in izobraževanje IMPRO, Cankarjev dom



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