Improvision 2019
Improvised parody of the Eurovision Song Contest
On Sunday, 26 May, entrance to Cankarjev dom will only be available through the Maxi underpass, i.e. Erjavčeva Street.
As Cankarjev dom’s Grand Reception Hall will host a press centre covering the elections to the European Parliament all other entrances will be closed.
The Improvision again promises to be a parody of the glamour and shallowness as embodied by Eurovision. Stylistically diverse bands compete for the title of the Improvision 2017 winner. Musical hits are sung spontaneously, taking cues for the titles from the audience, while the improvising contestants also have to tackle various challenges of the stage. The unforgettable event features sarcastic, brilliantly matched hosts. The results of the competition are determined by ‘televotes’ obtained from members of the audience.
With: Luka Korenčič, Nina Sojar Košorok, Tim Kern, Maja Trampuš, Goran Završnik
Improvision 2019
14, 17, 20, 23 (VIP) EUR
5% discount on online purchases
Improvizija 2012 - ČiziDizi ft. Big Daddy Bongo: Moj čevelj
Improvision 2014 Winner: Luciano Panzerotti in Maida Calzone: Ciao, mamma!
Hosts: Rahela Klopčič in Rok Bohinc
Performing: Aleš Zorec, Goran Završnik, Ivan Mijačević, Jera Krečič, Luka Korenčič, Luka Seliškar, Maja Trampuš, Nina Sojar Košorok in Tim Kern
Red carpet: Sara Šoukal in Teja Bitenc
Scenography and visual design: Boštjan Štorman
Video: Miha Možina
Costumography: Janeta Čoh in Nena Hribar
Light: David Andrej Francky
Public repations: Maja Fister
Produced by: Juš Milčinski
Artistic director: Peter Frankl
Production: KUD Sokoli Tabor and Cankarjev dom
Odnosi z javnostmi: Maja Fister
Oblikovanje: Isabela Kavšek
Fotografiranje: Maruša Rems
Snemanje: Studio Akcija
Producent: Juš Milčinski
Umetniški vodja: Peter Frankl
Produkcija: KUD Sokoli Tabor in Cankarjev dom Partner predstave: RTV Slovenija
Soorganizatorji: KD Improvizacijsko gledališče Ljubljana - IGLU, Impro liga ter Društvo za kulturo in izobraževanje Impro
Hvala: DAF Lighting, Menza pri koritu, Nika Records, ŠOU v Ljubljani in Viktoria d.o.o.