Modern inventions that improve human life definitely work, but at the same time interfere with the millennia-old ways of life, natural patterns of existence, biological rhythms, social life of humans and thus threaten the humans’ physical and mental health.
The concept of distance is intrinsic and very familiar to modern society. It could be social and physical distance, or individuals’ distancing on physical, and consequently social, mental and spiritual levels. The modern way of life and the implementation of digital technology decrease between people and render it more meagre and formalised. Modern inventions that improve human life definitely work, but at the same time interfere with the millennia-old ways of life, natural patterns of existence, biological rhythms, social life of humans and thus threaten the humans’ physical and mental health. Distance, which during the recent covid era acquired very particular dimensions, further deepened the split between people, alienation, individualism, and individuals’ distance from themselves – all things that were already present in modern society. At the same time, it accelerated the development of digitalisation of the society, and artificial intelligence. And it is the latter, recently in explosive expansion, that opens new possibilities for technological advancement of humanity, while at the same time amplifying the most dangerous distance of all – the distance from reality, a reality that humans as social animals need so very badly.
The topical dance production does not distance itself from the burning social issues and uses dance to intervene in the essence of human existence – closeness. The closeness of the body, the fellow human, the co-creator, the world and the planet on which we live. The international cast of the MN Dance Company in coproduction with the SNT Nova Gorica will contribute to connecting and gathering, overcoming any kind of distance, which is also the motto of the EPK 2025.
The only reality we cannot deny is the one that we feel in our bodies.
- Michal Rynia and Nastja Bremec Rynia
MN Dance Company: The Distance
18,00 EUR
14,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners.
1 Hour and 5 Minutes
Choreographers and Authors of Visual Image: Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia
Dramaturg: Ana Kržišnik Blažica
Composer: Mateja Starič
Light Designer: Matjaž Bajc
Sound Designer: Stojan Nemec
Designers of Scenic Elements and Props: Hana Huseinspahic, Gorazd Prinčič
Dancers: Eri Nishibara, Luka Vodopivec, Pietro Di Salvo, Alessio Saccheri, Michal Rynia, Nastja Bremec Rynia, Marie da Silva, Paula Garcia, Erica Modotti, Rebecca Granzotto, Luca Marchi, Tjaša Bucik
Co-production: MN Dance Company, GO! 2025 - European Capital of Culture
Co-production Cankarjev dom, SNG Nova Gorica
The project is co-financed by GO! 2025 - European Capital of Culture, Nova Gorica

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