29 Jun 2021

Cultural Bazaar

NacLearn about quality cultural projects and programmes for children and young people, professional training, join the national network and explore creative partnership opportunities with the Cultural Bazaar – a national cross-sectoral project aimed at promoting arts and cultural education.


The project’s initiators and organisers are the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport, and the National Education Institute of Slovenia. The executive producer is Cankarjev dom Ljubljana. The project is implemented in cooperation with more than 300 professional cultural institutions and cultural workers active in all areas of culture.

Each year, the project is joined by partners from other sectors: in 2021, our partners are the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food, as well as the Ministry of Health.

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Cultural Bazaar

29 Jun 2021
29 Jun 2021
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