22 Jun 2024 18:00

Neanderthal flute – Why do we need music, anyway?

Music and theatre adventure
For children aged between 9 and 12

Featuring unforgettable animations of the universe, the solar system and the origins of life on Earth, the fun show Neanderthal Flute takes the audiences on a vivid sound journey to the very beginnings of human creativity. What did it take for this miracle to happen? Who wanted to prevent this miracle from happening? Was it really an event of cosmic proportions and a question of the preservation of an overall cosmic balance? 
This sensational, wonderfully informative, insightful and scientific performance is underscored by an indispensable pinch of humour, technical flavour and, of course, a wealth of musical knowledge, extensive experience and genuine commitment.  

Nakup vstopnic

7,50 EUR 
10% popust za šolske skupine iz Ljubljane
15% popust za šolske skupine izven Ljubljane

Rezervacije: Kristina Jermančič Golc, kristina.jermancic@cd-cc.si

22 Jan 2024 09:00
22 Jan 2024 11:00
23 Jan 2024 09:00
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23 Jan 2024 11:00
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Spletna trgovina izdelkov

Spletna trgovina izdelkov

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