Mala terasa sredi Ljubljane - večeri v Klubu CD

Glasba, gledališče, kabaret in vse vmes …

Past event
1 Sep, 22 Sep
15 EUR

Past event
Past event
8 Sep, 8 Sep
15 EUR

Past event
15 Sep
12 EUR

Past event
16 Sep
12 EUR

Ob nakupu 4 vstopnic: 10 % popusta
Ob nakupu 6 vstopnic: 15 % popusta
Ob nakupu 12 ali več vstopnic: 20 % popusta

Kavarna v Klubu CD z enim najlepših razgledov na Ljubljano bo odprta že uro pred dogodki.

Blog written by Uršula Cetinski, CD Director General

CD Director General, Uršula Cetinski, expresses her thoughts on CD events and other affairs of current interest, of in-house and broader relevance. The blog is written in Slovenian.

Your event in our venue

So much more than just four walls – It’s creating experiences


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