Sezona 2023/24

Kromatika 2023/2024

Past event
3 Oct
10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

Past event
11 Apr
10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

Past event
16 May
10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

Past event
6 Jun
10,00 | 14,00 | 18,00 | 22,00 EUR

Your event in our venue

So much more than just four walls – It’s creating experiences


Blog written by Uršula Cetinski, CD Director General

CD Director General, Uršula Cetinski, expresses her thoughts on CD events and other affairs of current interest, of in-house and broader relevance. The blog is written in Slovenian.

© Cankarjev dom

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