A series of lectures Robots are changing the world
If we want it or not, robots will be an important part of our future. In the quiet, without us being aware, in combination with artificial intelligence, they will change our way of life. For the better or worse? Will robots in the coming years and decades really replace people in factories, public works, and chores at home...? Will they become equal members of society, with rights and obligations? Are you interested in these questions?
Answers to them and a look to the past, present, and future of robots in our lives will be given to us by internationally renowned and Slovenian experts in three lectures:
11 March 2019, at 19:00, Raphaël Rault: People and Intelligent Robots – Coexistence or Combat?
5 April 2019, at 19:00, Prof. Dr. Niko Herakovič: Smart Factories of the Future
7 May 2019 at 19:00, Prof. Dr. Alexander Czinki from Germany
In cooperation with the Alumni Club of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Each lecture: EUR 5 and EUR 3'50* EUR
*younger than 25, older than 65 and pensioners