05. - 08. jul. 2022

17th European Congress of Psychology

According to Boyack’s analysis of all scientific journals’ citations Psychology is one of seven hub sciences (the others are: Math, Physics, Chemistry, Earth sciences, Social sciences and Medicine). So, the impact of psychology on other sciences is substantial and important. That brings psychology immense number of Opportunities: collaborations, accelerated growth, influencing, improving services... etc. But also responsibility: psychological findings are being used by a wide crowd of practitioners from many different fields.

ECP 2022 is hoping not only to attract scholars and practitioners with fresh ideas and insights from all fields of psychology but researchers from other sciences that link to psychology as well. The goal is to initiate fruitful collaboration and dialog among colleagues and like-minded professionals. 

Nakup vstopnic

17th European Congress of Psychology

05. - 08. jul. 2022
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