17 Apr 2023 19:00


Španija, Italija, 2022; 120 minut
Režija: Carla Simón

Screenplay: Arnau Vilaró, Carla Simón
Cast: Jordi Pujol Dolcet (Qumet), Anna Otin (Dolors), Xenia Roset (Mariona), Albert Bosch (Roger), Ainet Jounou (Iris), Josep Abad (Rogelio), Montse Oró (Nati), Carles Cabós (Cisco), Berta Pipó (Gloria)
Producent: Elastica Films, Avalon Productora Cinematográfica, Vilaüt Film

A tribute to fading traditions, Alcarras tells a heartfelt story about a family of peach growers whose livelihood is threatened by the new socio-economic realities. Berlinale 2022 Golden Bear for Best Film.

For as long as they can remember, the Solé family have spent every summer picking the peaches in their orchard in Alcarras, a small village in Spain’s Catalonia region. But this year’s crop may well be their last, as they face eviction. The new plans for the land, which include cutting down the peach trees and installing solar panels, cause a rift in this large, tight-knit family. For the first time, they face an uncertain future and risk losing more than their orchard.



My family grows peaches and they’re still doing it. When we started this project, I said: “We need a happy ending.” But then we talked to other farming families and saw that they had no hope. So many people are leaving their land – there is no generational takeover. Not because the kids don’t want to do it, they just don’t get paid properly. There are protests every year, but they don’t get much out of it. I needed to show what agriculture is today, not what is used to be.
Carla Simón

About director
Born in Barcelona, in 1986. After studying audio-visual communication in Barcelona, she directed TV series for the Catalan television and then attended the London Film School.
An acclaimed screenwriter and director, Simón actively participates in the Cinema en Curs, a film education project. In 2013, she founded Young For Film!, an organisation that fosters young audiences’ appreciation of cinema.

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17 Apr 2023 19:00
17 Apr 2023 19:00
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