Past event
9 Jan 2020 19:00

The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão (A vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmao)

Directed by: Karim Ainouz

A period piece set in the fifties but seen through modern eyes, this irresistible “tropical melodrama” tells the story of an unbreakable bond between two Brazilian sisters. Winner of the Un Certain Regard Prize at Cannes.

Rio de Janeiro, 1950. Eurídice, 18, and Guida, 20, are two inseparable sisters living at home with their conservative parents. Although immersed in traditional life, each one nourishes a dream: Eurídice of becoming a renowned pianist, Guida of finding true love. In a dramatic turn, they are separated by their father and forced to live apart. They take control of their separate destinies, while never giving up hope of finding each other.


I wanted to talk about this generation of women who are now in their eighties and nineties, who are about to disappear. What was it like to live at a time when you couldn’t divorce, the sexual revolution had not happened yet, and there was no contraceptive pill? I think that in Brazil, the post-war period was a time when there were very strong conservative values regarding family.
Karim Aïnouz

Nakup vstopnic

The Invisible Life of Eurídice Gusmão (A vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmao)

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Brazil, Germany, 2019, 138'

Screenplay: Murilo Hauser, Inés Bortagaray, Karim Aïnouz, Martha Batalha (roman/novel)
Cinematography: Hélène Louvart
Music: Benedikt Schiefer
Editing:Heike Parplies

Cast: Carol Duarte (older Eurídice), Fernanda Montenegro (mlajša/younger Eurídice), Julia Stockler (Guida), Barbara Santos (Filomena)

Festivals, awards (selection): Cannes 2019 (Un Certain Regard Award), München/Munich 2019 (CineCoPro Award)



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