Past event
13 Jun 2024 19:30

Nijinsky, A Soul in Exile (Vaslav Nijinski, une âme en exil)

France, 2000, 52'
Directed by: Elisabeth Kapnist
Production: ARTE France

In April 1950, he whom the world had named "The God of Dance", a choreographer and the embodiment of contemporary ballet, died in London at the age of 60. The star of Nijinsky burnt beyond the legend: what do we know of this artist, about whom very few archival recordings have survived, and whose life and work are still subject to different interpretations?

Elisabeth Kapnist’s film reflects both on the bright side of Nijinsky, his artistic genius, and the obscure aspect of his gradual descent into madness. The film focuses on his artistic rise, as well as the relationships with his closest family members and colleagues, especially the most important people in his life, Romola, the woman he married in 1913, and Sergei Diaghilev, his impresario and lover. Nijinsky’s marriage led to a traumatic split from Diaghilev at the end of that same decade.

The documentary film will be followed by a talk with dr. Henrikom Neubauerjem.

Nijinsky, A Soul in Exile (Vaslav Nijinski, une âme en exil)

13 Jun 2024 19:30
13 Jun 2024 19:30
The opening event of the Ballet Nights Festival
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4,00 EUR



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