Past event
21 Nov 2022 17:00

Winner of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association and Kinotrip Young Jury Awards: Close

Directed by: Lukas Dhont
Belgium, Netherlands, France, 2022, 105

A heart-rending coming-of-age film. With his second feature, Belgian director Lukas Dhont has once again demonstrated his remarkable talent for working with non-professional actors. Grand Prix at Cannes 2022.

The friendship between two thirteen-year-old boys, Léo and Rémi, suddenly gets disrupted as schoolmates become aware of the intensity of their relationship. Girls – who are perhaps honest, or perhaps malicious – ask Léo if he and Rémi are a couple. Soon the boys are starting to make mean remarks to Léo, who is angry, scared and humiliated. He withdraws from Rémi, blanks him in the playground, goes in for macho ice hockey. Rémi is deeply baffled and wounded; Léo can hardly bear Rémi’s mute reproach, and being confronted with his own fickle dishonesty.



As a kid, I often denied myself an intimate relationship with another boy, because I feared that relationship. I read research by an American psychologist who followed around 100 boys between the ages of 13 and 18. At 13, she saw how those boys describe their friendships as being incredibly important to them. Their friends were the people they trusted, shared their secrets with, whom they loved. They weren’t afraid to express the love they felt for their friends. Then she re-interviewed them at 15, 16, 17 and 18. And with a lot of them, she saw how performance masculinity intervened. The intimacy those boys had with each other was interrupted. Lukas Dhont

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Winner of the Slovenian Art Cinema Association and Kinotrip Young Jury Awards: Close

21 Nov 2022 17:00
21 Nov 2022 17:00
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6,50 EUR

6,00 EUR * * EUR for younger than 25 and older than 65, as well as pensioners, discounted prices for the lowest seat category

Screenplay: Lukas Dhont, Angelo Tijssens
Cinematography: Frank van den Eeden
Music: Valentin Hadjadj

Cast: Eden Dambrine (Léo), Gustav De Waele (Rémi), Émilie Dequenne (Sophie), Léa Drucker (Nathalie), Léon Bataille (Baptiste), Kevin Janssens (Peter), Igor van Dessel (Charlie), Marc Weiss (Yves)

Igrajo: Eden Dambrine (Léo), Gustav De Waele (Rémi), Émilie Dequenne (Sophie), Léa Drucker (Nathalie), Léon Bataille (Baptiste), Kevin Janssens (Peter), Igor van Dessel (Charlie), Marc Weiss (Yves)



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