9th National Global Education Conference
With Global Learning Towards Learning for Peace
Organised by: Društvo Humanitas
If we do not teach our children peace, someone else will teach them violence.
– Colman McCarthy
This year’s National Conference on Global Learning will focus on learning for peace. In the context of current global events and the urgent need for broader efforts to build a society of peace, justice, and equality, we will explore the role of educators in the educational process, which includes learning about a holistic understanding of peace and efforts toward it. Through peace education and upbringing, we can encourage young people to develop universal values that form the foundation of a culture of peace: solidarity, justice, responsibility, non-violence, acceptance of diversity, and equality for all people. In addition, we will strengthen young people’s skills in non-violent communication, critical thinking about various forms of violence and power structures, dialogue, and peaceful conflict resolution, while supporting them in working together to shape a common future that we desire for ourselves and future generations.
9th National Global Education Conference
Dr. Mari-Anne Okkolin je sociologinja in pedagoginja, izredna profesorica na področju sociologije izobraževanja in raziskav mednarodnega izobraževanja. Na akademskem področju je zaposlena že več kot dvajset let in ima bogate izkušnje z raziskovanjem, predavanjem in supervizijo ter s koordinacijo nacionalnih in mednarodnih projektov. Od leta 2020 kot vodilna strokovnjakinja pri finski nevladni organizaciji Rauhankasvatusinstituutti – RKI (ang. Peace Education Institute) vodi izobraževanja in sodelovanja s šolami ter drugimi formalnimi izobraževalnimi ustanovami na temo enakosti in pravičnosti, boja proti rasizmu, globalnega učenja in učenja za mir – kar je tudi krovni koncept, ki usmerja celotno delo RKI. Sodeluje s sorodnimi organizacijami in mrežami v Evropi in podsaharski Afriki, med drugim je delala v Tanzaniji in Južni Afriki. Je avtorica skoraj štiridesetih znanstvenih publikacij, med drugim knjige Education, Gender and Development - A Capabilities Perspective (Routledge, 2017).

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Cankarjev dom, Cultural & Congress Centre Ljubljana has a range of auditoria, rooms and spaces that can be hired for a wide variety of events, from conferences to parties. Enhanced by culture CD blends the artistic with the commercial to create unique experiences.