Festival Big Arhitektura je vodilni poslovno-izobraževalni dogodek za napredno arhitekturo in profesionalno gradbeništvo. Z raziskovanjem, vrednotenjem in promocijo arhitekturne odličnosti gradi poslovno uspešnost in privlačnost jugovzhodne Evrope.
9.00-9.30: Registration (Grand Reception Hall)
9.00-18.00: Trade Show (Grand Reception Hall)
9.30-12.00: Conference; Intelligent façades (Štih Hall)
9.30-12.00: Stage 180°; Winning project presentations with Prize Trophy awarding (Grand Reception Hall)
12.00-13.00: Partners’ Lunch (Grand Reception Hall)
13.00-15.00: Conference; Light in Architecture (Štih Hall)
13.00-17.30: Stage 180°; Winning project presentations with Prize Trophy awarding (Grand Reception Hall)
15.00-16.30: Special guest lecture; Juhani Pallasmaa (Štih Hall / Grand Reception Hall)
17.00-17.30 Coffe talk; Juhani Pallasmaa (Grand Reception Hall)
17.30-18.00: Partners’ Finale (Grand Reception Hall)
20.00-22.00: Grand Prix Award Ceremony & Dinner Party (CD Club)
Big Architecture Festival 2022
40,00 EUR
20,00 EUR*
*for students