Damijan Stepančič Hinko Smrekar Award
Past event
27 Mar 2019 20:00

13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration

In collaboration with ZDSLU - Illustration sector.

In collaboration with ZDSLU - illustration section.

The exhibition and shop opening hours: Monday–Saturday between 10am and 7pm, Sundays and holidays until 6pm. 

During the euroPD Congress, to take place at Cankarjev dom between 3 and 5 May 2019, access to the CD Gallery and VIVO restaurant will only be available through the Employee Entrance from Prešernova Street. We regret to inform you that Peter Gedei’s Subterranean Worlds photo exhibition, displayed in the Small Gallery, as well as the Art Critics Choice and Designers Society of Slovenia showcases held in Foyer I will be closed to the public.

The 13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration, on display at the CD Gallery, will close at 16.00 on 7 May due to the presentation of the Transgeneration Awards. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.


A central overview of Slovenian illustration, the Biennial unites older and younger generations of illustrators employing diverse artistic methods and rewards their finest achievements with the Hinko Smrekar Award, as well as the Smrekar distinctions and accolades. Maintaining high standards of creativity and testifying to the excellence of Slovenian illustration, the event showcases the latest artistic methods and techniques employed in illustration: re-imagined painting techniques, illustration incorporating elements of film, comic strip, animated film, electronic media and other advanced technologies.

The show thus provides an invaluable platform for recognising the importance of illustration, an artform decisively co-shaping – in its major children’s book segment – the visual perception and understanding of young readers, and having a responsible role in education – as a pictorial language co-creating human consciousness and crucially influencing mental development.

Jury members selecting the artists and awarding prizes include:

Monika Ivančič Fajfar, Sarival Sosič, PhD, Radovan Jenko, Peter Škerl, Nina Pirnat Spahić


The 13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration participants:

Ana Baraga, Marta Bartolj, Kristina Bastelj, Julijana Božič, Suzi Bricelj, Anamarija Bukovec, Hana Černivec, Zvonko Čoh, Bojana Dimitrovski, Tina Dobrajc, Jure Engelsberger, Milan Erič, Bibi Erjavec, Ančka Gošnik Godec, Miha Hančič, Aleksander Jankovič Potočnik, Adriano Janežič, Hana Jesih, Maja Kastelic, Mateja Kavčič, Semira Kentrić, Manica Klenovšek Musil, Matej Kocjan – Koco, Anka Kočevar, Tanja Komadina, Špela Košir, Jernej Kovač Myint, Maša Kozjek, David Krančan, Polona Kunaver Ličen, Vladimir Leben, David Ličen, Polona Lovšin, Maja Lubi, Mirko Malle, Matija Medved, Zarja Menart, Teja Milavec, Ivan Mitrevski, Eva Mlinar, Dušan Muc, Marija Nabernik, Irena Ocepek, Silvan Omerzu, Andreja Peklar, Maja Poljanc, Lila Prap, Arjan Pregl, Marija Prelog, Tereza Prepadnik, Petra Preželj, Maša P. Žmitek, Ana Razpotnik Donati, Anja Rupar, Liana Saje Wang, Luka Seme, Daša Simčič, Iztok Sitar, Alenka Sottler, Alenka Spacal, Hana Stupica, Matej Stupica, Igor Šinkovec, Gregor Štrukelj, Maja Šubic, Tibor Tekavec, Gorazd Vahen, Žarko Vrezec, Huiqin Wang, Meta Wraber, Sanja Zamuda, Ana Zavadlav

Nakup vstopnic

13th Slovenian Biennial of Illustration

27 Mar 2019 20:00
27 Mar 2019 20:00
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5% discount on online purchases cd-cc.si

Children until the age of 6 free of charge
Tickets EUR 5 and EUR 3* / person (*younger than 25 and older than 65)

Catalogue Slo/Eng: EUR 10 
Small poster: EUR 1 
Large poster: EUR 1.5

Guided tours for adults
Guided tour (for groups of more than 10 people): admission + EUR 20 guide surcharge / group
Information and booking: Tina Kralj E stiki@cd-cc.si P 01 24 17 327



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