21 Feb - 16 March 2025

Architecture Inventory 2022–24

Responsibility Towards Space

Biennial Exhibition of the Architects' Society of Ljubljana 

Space is a finite, irretrievable commodity. With every intervention into space, we also change its context, ecosystems, usage and future potential. As architects, we are committed to protecting public space, the built and natural landscape, the meaningful preservation of the existing, and the continuity of technological know-how about building. On the other hand, we are also dedicated to well-considered land development and sensible urban densification, the development of new construction technology and the creation of spaces that allow for modern living and usage. Responsibilities towards the past, the existing and the future are not mutually exclusive. 
How are the architect's responsibilities perceived in this day and age? Which values are particularly relevant to the environment in which architects work today? What is responsibility in architecture and which areas of practice does it affect? The Architecture Inventory exhibition, an overview of the projects implemented by the members of the Architects' Society of Ljubljana over the course of two years, reflects on architecture's responsibility towards space.


Architecture – Inventory is a traditional biennial survey exhibition of the members of the Association of Architects of Ljubljana. The 12th Architecture – Inventory show will present a cross-section of the work of the members of the Association over the past two years. The exhibition will showcase 117 architectural and 8 student projects by more than 100 architects, ranging from urban planning to architectural designs and renovations of public buildings, apartment buildings, single-family houses and interiors, as well as graphic and industrial design projects and written works dedicated to architecture. 

The Architecture – Inventory show is the most comprehensive overview of architectural undertakings in our country, as the Association of Architects of Ljubljana, which also chairs the Association of Slovenian Architects' Societies, has again invited participation of architects from other Slovenian societies, as well as guest projects from the Europan Celje competition, and has selected eight projects by students from the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana.
Throughout the showcase, architectural lectures and roundtables will be held at the exhibition space under the common title New Spheres.
The accompanying programme devised and conducted by Ajda Bračič.

Contemporary self-building
WED, 26 February 2025, at 17.00
Anja Trobec
Vid de Gleria; STRIP Lab
Jernej Markelj; AaJM+
In Slovenian, without translation.

Flats, residential neighbourhoods
WED, 5 March 2025, at 17.00
Boris Matić; Scapelab
Aleksander Lužnik; NAVA Arhitekti
Boštjan Vuga; Sadar+Vuga
In Slovenian, without translation.

Architectural transformations
WED, 12 March 2025, at 17.00
Maruša Zorec, Arrea arhitektura
Matej Gašperič, Biro Gašperič
Matjaž Bolčina, ARP studio
Students: Maja Julijana Šket, Matic Hlede, Petra Zoubek
In Slovenian, without translation.

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Architecture Inventory 2022–24

21 Feb - 16 March 2025
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Admission free



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