Arriving in good time
During the festive season in December, traffic tends to get heavily congested in Ljubljana. Visitors are advised to leave home earlier than usual to avoid arriving late.
Organised by: Association for the Protection of Wood of Slovenia and the Wood Council
For the 15th consecutive year, the Association for the Protection of Wood of Slovenia and the Wood Council are promoting wood and wood products. Products made of wood contribute the most to reducing the emission (they act as a sink) of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which is essential for controlling climate change and protecting the environment. That is why wood as a biomaterial is at the forefront of the EU's economic policy, which will aim to promote a green local economy in the coming years.
The exhibited products will be displayed at Cankarjev dom until Sunday, 21 May 2023.
.... ki boste izvedeli, katere koncerte, predavanja, gledališka in plesna gostovanja in drugo pripravljamo v Cankarjevem domu,