Past event
23 Nov 2022 - 15 Jan 2023

Tereza Kozinc and Klavdij Sluban: Bonjour le jour (Good Day, Day)

What does a couple of visual artists do when their child is born? They individually and jointly explore and document the baby’s arrival and growth. Each of them uses their singular visual language to develop their own parallel reality. Through metaphors, Tereza Kozinc depicts conception, pregnancy, childbirth and the experience of early motherhood. For the first time in his life, Klavdij Sluban lived without travel for a year and a half. This immobile journey is the greatest experience of all since he put down roots in the homeland of his ancestors. His second child was born. The exhibition, which stands out from conventional examples of family photographs, is an ode to light and new birth.

Martin se rodi 07:07, 17.7., številka rojstva na zapestnici 2777. Gledam ga, govorim mu. Rešili so nama življenje. 
Prinesi mi fotoaparat v porodnišnico. 
Družinski album. Potreba po fotografiranju. Pejmo se peljat. Sneži. Lipoglav ali Toško čelo? Rabim gozd. Spet so podražili filme. 
Fotkava že od spočetja naprej, še v Parizu, brez plana. Ampak serija kar nastaja, aparat leži med kapo in bagerjem.

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Tereza Kozinc and Klavdij Sluban: Bonjour le jour (Good Day, Day)

23 Nov 2022 - 15 Jan 2023
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