30 Sep.- 2 Oct 2024

23rd Festival of the Third Age

Organised by: Proevent d.o.o. in Mestna zveza upokojencev Ljubljana – OPZDU

The main event on the International Day of Older Persons in the Republic of Slovenia has been building bridges between generations, individuals, non-governmental organizations, and other stakeholders for many years. This year, the program will focus on active aging. The centerpiece of the professional program will be a panel discussion on the importance of preparing for active retirement, moderated by Vlasta Nussdorfer with selected guests. Active preparation for retirement is crucial for a quality and fulfilling life after the conclusion of a career.

The festival will also feature debates on long-term care, active aging, and social dialogue, respectful communication with older adults, infrastructure and urban development suitable for seniors, the importance of family caregivers in the third phase of life, housing issues and intergenerational cohabitation, financial literacy for adults, and an EU-friendly approach to older adults.

The cultural program will showcase local poetry, music, and dance from retirees' associations, cultural and folklore groups, and sports clubs from across Slovenia, with several performances from abroad as well. Detailed presentations will introduce daily activity centers, and the educational program will cover various topics: the significance of forming associations, immersion in the artistic works of Simone de Beauvoir, discussions on impermanence and life, and ideas for journeys in mature years.

Numerous exhibitors specializing in health, healthy nutrition, dietary supplements, tourism and leisure, sports activities, aids and products for seniors, as well as education for older adults and social care, will participate in the event.

23rd Festival of the Third Age

30 Sep.- 2 Oct 2024
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