Parenting Talks with Dr. Gordon Neufeld – Becoming the Answer a Child Needs
Organised by: Novak Djokovic Foundation
Dr. Gordon Newfeld is the foremost authority on child development, author of the bestseller “Hold On to Your Kids” and mentor of the famous Dr. Gabor Mate, whom our public met live last year, also thanks to the Novak Djokovic Foundation. Throughout his career, Dr. Gordon Neufeld has accumulated over 40 years of experience as a clinical psychologist with children and youth and those responsible for them.
Dr. Neufeld is known for making sense of complex problems and opening doors for change. While formerly involved in university teaching and private practice, he has devoted the best part of the last two decades to creating courses for parents and teachers and helping professionals as part of his Neufeld Institute - an online educational institute and worldwide charitable organization devoted to applying developmental science to the task of raising children.
Dr. Neufeld’s lifework has been helping adults provide the conditions for children to flourish. He is a father of five and a grandfather of seven.
Simultaneous translation is provided during the event.
Parenting Talks with Dr. Gordon Neufeld – Becoming the Answer a Child Needs
40,00 | 50,00 EUR
10-odstotni popust ob hkratnem nakupu najmanj dveh vstopnic za parter ali prvi balkon.

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