Arriving in good time
During the festive season in December, traffic tends to get heavily congested in Ljubljana. Visitors are advised to leave home earlier than usual to avoid arriving late.
Zveza prijateljev mladine Ljubljana Moste-Polje and Folklorna skupina Emona
Andreja Absec, Elizabeta Tome, Helena Vindiš, Klarya Tome
I dance - I help is a charity event. All the collected funds will be used for the integration of the Ukrainian children who left their country because of the war in Ukraine and found a new home in Slovenia.
Various performers of folk tradition, many instrumental and dance groups will take part in the event. The purpose and the main theme of the evening is pointing out the importance of connecting people from different cultural and geographical backgrounds by dancing, singing and instrumental music. A special place at the concert will be given to the children who were the reason for this idea and for organizing this event.
Dom bi moral biti zaklad, za katerega je vredno živeti. Le Corbusier
Trajanje: 90 min, brez odmora